Top Tips for a smooth start in Year 7
Below you will find a list of top tips collated by our Year 7 cohort to help your child's transition begin as smoothly and successfully as possible.
From me, to you - Year 7 Student’s Top Tips for starting at Newman
Get set before day one! You should make sure you are ready for your first day and the days ahead. Make sure you have your bag packed with all the equipment you need, uniform ready and a good night's sleep.
Buy a very big, very strong bag. You will have loads to carry and that’s not including when you’ll have PE or Food Tech. Plus, you need trainers to play on the astroturf at break and lunch so will need space for them!
If you’ll need to use an Oyster ZIP card, make sure you apply for it in plenty of time – it may take a couple of weeks to come through, so don’t leave it until the end of the holidays. Ensure there’s money on it should you need it.
Work out your route to school, whether you’re walking or taking public transport. Practise until you’re confident and time yourself. Also, make sure you have an alternative route in case of problems with transport. If it helps, draw a map.
Always eat breakfast, even if you feel nervous or tired. It’s a long time until lunch.
Use the school map and building/ room numbers to help you learn the layout out of the school. You do not want to turn up late to every lesson or get lost.
Be organised. Use your planner to make notes, write down your homework and reminders – when there is so much going on, it’s easy to forget.
When you are given your timetable, make at least three copies: one for your bag, one for your pocket and a spare for home. Plus, you will be given time to write it into your planner on the first day so make sure you take your time and write it in neatly!
Go through your timetable and pack your bag the night before – there’s never enough time in the morning to find your maths book or pack your PE kit.
During lesson changeover, stick with someone/a group rather than by yourself. This will help with learning the different rooms and it means you can help each other if you get lost. If you are both unsure you can ask teachers or students who have been in the school longer than you have. Plus, don’t try to go against the flow of traffic, you will not get there any quicker.
Find out where the toilets are.
Join the library: it’s a great place to go if you want to do some homework or just avoid the playground.
Join an after school club! Newman runs free clubs every day and they are a great chance to meet new people and learn new skills. You will be given the timetable in the first term and can join any time!