Careers Guidance
Careers Guidance Provision
At Newman Catholic College we work with Into University and The US Charitable Trust to deliver careers guidance, as well as through our Drop Down Day Provision, Assemblies, Guest Speakers etc
Careers Advisers
Tiffany Li- The US Charitable Trust
SLT Link with responsibility for Careers
Susan Grace Assistant Headteacher Phone 02089653947
In our school students are given the opportunity to explore career ideas through face to face discussions with a range of people including role models and inspiring individuals, alumni from universities and colleges and mentors and coaches. Independent and impartial careers information, advice and guidance can be accessed by any student on request and is available every Tuesday at lunchtime by the Careers Advisors. All Year 10, 11 and Keystage 5 students receive at least one face-to-face careers interview with a trained careers adviser. All students receive a face-to-face session with Into University to inform and inspire them of all the available learning pathways open to them. During their Careers Interview in Year 11, all students are helped to develop a Careers Action Plan. These are kept by the Careers Advisor. Those most at risk of becoming NEET (not in employment, education or training), and the reasons why, are identified, targeted and prioritised when scheduling one to one careers interviews. Those most at risk of disengaging from learning, and the reasons why, are identified, targeted and prioritised when scheduling one to one careers interviews. The school informs students of information events for students and their parents at which all local providers of education and training offer advice. At Keystage 5 all students are involved in weekly enrichment activities to learn new skills, some students are involved in our Work Ready programme going out on work placements every week. All Students in Keystage 3 have Drop Down Days with a Career focus.
The school advertises the open days and evenings for all local education providers to all students and their parents throughout education phases and transition between key stages. Students are made aware of the National Apprenticeship Service and National Careers Service and there is a link to both websites on the school’s website. Learner views are sought on the best way to offer provision.
Are you looking for an Apprenticeship? The are lots of different events and activities that you can take part in to learn more about apprenticeships and what they can offer.
Films about apprenticeships
Games about apprenticeships
Careers at NCC |
Year 7- Developing skills and aspirations Careers, teamwork and enterprise skills, and raising aspirations |
Year 8- Community and careers Equality of opportunity in careers and life choices, and different types and patterns of work |
Year 9-Setting goals and Employability skills Learning strengths, career options and goal setting as part of the GCSE options process Employability and online presence |
Year 10- Work experience Preparation for and evaluation of work experience and readiness for work |
Year 11/Sixth Form- Next steps Application processes, and skills for further education, employment and career progression |