Your Life You Choose

Your Life You Choose Drop Down Day for Year 7.
Your Life You Choose Brent is a multi-agency presentation to educate young people about the consequences of crime, not only for the offender but their family and friends, victims and the wider community. The project is led by magistrates in the North West London Justice Area. YLYC Brent brings together magistrates, police – safer schools officers and trident officers, prison officers, Directions project – ex offenders, and paramedics. This is the fifth year that Newman Catholic College has participated in this valuable programme.
"It is always a pleasure to work with your boys (and now girls). Year 7 were fantastic - they listened well asked intelligent questions and took an active part in the workshops. The presenters fed off the students and all in all it was a great day." (Alison Zilberkweit,YLYC Organiser and Brent Magistrate)
Student Feedback- Has ‘Your Life You Choose” made you think about your Choices in future? What will you do differently?